CMS/DSS/Server Main-Sub


DSS All-in-one supports Main-sub Mode which allows you to create a DSS Cluster. Compared to a single DSS All-in-one, Main-sub mode is better in terms of Device Access Capability, Bandwidth, and System Redundancy, etc.

This document will walk you through the process of configuring DSS Main-sub Mode.


Step by Step Instructions

Step 0: Check DSS Version

Log into DSS Web Config Page of the Sub Server and click on About


Make sure that all your DSS All-in-ones are of the same version.

Step 1: Decide which one is the Main Server and which is (are) Sub Server (s)

In Main-sub Mode, you could only have one Main Server, and the other(s) will be Sub Servers. Sub-servers will register themselves onto the Main Server so that their resources can be deployed.

For example, I have two DSS All-in-ones, whose IP addresses are and I will nominate as the Main Server and as the Sub Server.

Step 2: Configure Sub Server(s)

Log into DSS Web Config Page of the Sub Server.

2-1. On the homepage, select “Sub Server”, which will make this DSS work as a Sub Server.

2-2. Then, insert the Main Server IP and the HTTPS Port (443 by default).

2-3. In the end, click on Apply and Restart.


Step 3: Configure Sub-server on the Main Server.

3-1. Log into DSS Client with the Main Server IP and select [System Deployment]


3-2. Here you can see all the Sub-servers that registered themselves on the Main Server.

You can enable or disable any of the Sub Servers.


Step 4: Allocate resources

4-1. Click on [Allocate Resources] and you can assign devices to Sub Servers.


4-2. You can drag the Devices to any of the Sub Servers you want.


4-3. Here is an example after resources are allocated


4-4. When adding a Device, you can also assign the Device to any of the Servers in the cluster.
