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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
22:35, 21 May 2021 3. Tap on Sites.png (file) 436 KB   1
22:42, 21 May 2021 4. Tap on Plus Sign.png (file) 193 KB   1
22:43, 21 May 2021 5. Enter Information To Add The Site.png (file) 251 KB   1
22:46, 21 May 2021 6. Site Added Successfully.png (file) 223 KB   1
22:46, 21 May 2021 7. Add Devices.png (file) 207 KB   1
22:48, 21 May 2021 8. Tap On The Added Site.png (file) 223 KB   1
22:50, 21 May 2021 9. Tap on Add Device.png (file) 123 KB   1
22:52, 21 May 2021 10. LAN Searching To Find Devices Locally.png (file) 658 KB   1
22:54, 21 May 2021 11. List of Local Devices.png (file) 297 KB   1
22:55, 21 May 2021 12. Confirm to Add The Device.png (file) 161 KB   1
23:01, 21 May 2021 13. Fill Out Information and Confirm to Add The Device.png (file) 274 KB   1
23:03, 21 May 2021 14. Device Added Successfully.png (file) 179 KB   1
23:04, 21 May 2021 15. Transfer Devices.png (file) 219 KB   1
23:06, 21 May 2021 16. Tap on Transfer Device to Initiate the Process.png (file) 150 KB   1
23:07, 21 May 2021 17. Select Devices to be Transferred.png (file) 160 KB   1
23:08, 21 May 2021 18. Tap Transfer Now and Save The Changes.png (file) 195 KB   1
23:10, 21 May 2021 19. Waiting For The Transfer Process to Finish.png (file) 258 KB   1
23:11, 21 May 2021 20. Transfer Process Finished.png (file) 149 KB   1
23:13, 21 May 2021 21. Pull Down the Page to Refresh and Devices Will be Disappeared.png (file) 122 KB   1
23:14, 21 May 2021 22. Tap to Open DMSS.png (file) 603 KB   1
23:16, 21 May 2021 23. Refresh Device List.png (file) 527 KB   1
22:59, 25 May 2021 2. Tap on Sites.png (file) 222 KB   1
22:59, 25 May 2021 3. Tap Edit Button.png (file) 170 KB   1
23:00, 25 May 2021 4. Tap Assign Employee.png (file) 229 KB   1
23:00, 25 May 2021 5. Select Empployees to Assign.png (file) 82 KB   1
23:01, 25 May 2021 6. Tap Ok to Confirm Changes.png (file) 227 KB   1
23:01, 25 May 2021 7. Employees Listed.png (file) 193 KB   1
23:14, 26 May 2021 1. Tap on DMSS.png (file) 600 KB   1
23:14, 26 May 2021 2. Tap 3 dots and Select Share Entrust.png (file) 415 KB   1
23:15, 26 May 2021 3. Tap Plus Sign.png (file) 35 KB   1
23:15, 26 May 2021 4. Tap Entrust to Company.png (file) 54 KB   1
23:15, 26 May 2021 5. Tap Allow to Initiate the Process.png (file) 93 KB   1
23:16, 26 May 2021 6. Either Scan or Import the QR Code Image.png (file) 740 KB   1
23:16, 26 May 2021 7. Select the Entrusting Period Duration.png (file) 155 KB   1
23:17, 26 May 2021 8. Enable Device O and M and Submit the Changes.png (file) 169 KB   1
23:17, 26 May 2021 9 Wait for Entrusting Process to Finish.png (file) 148 KB   1
23:18, 26 May 2021 10. Tap to Open Sites on COS Pro.png (file) 209 KB   1
23:18, 26 May 2021 11. Tap Task Icon.png (file) 123 KB   1
23:19, 26 May 2021 12. Entrust Device List.png (file) 79 KB   1
23:19, 26 May 2021 13. Approve The Entrusted Device.png (file) 227 KB   1
23:19, 26 May 2021 14. Select The Device To Be Added.png (file) 131 KB   1
23:20, 26 May 2021 15. Tap On The Site And Confirm The Process.png (file) 142 KB   1
23:20, 26 May 2021 16. Pull Down List To See New Entrust Device.png (file) 165 KB   1
22:43, 21 June 2021 1. Prossing Exception.png (file) 28 KB   1
22:44, 21 June 2021 2. Open DMSS.png (file) 327 KB   1
22:44, 21 June 2021 3. Tap On Task Icon.png (file) 193 KB   1
22:45, 21 June 2021 4. Tap On Exception.png (file) 32 KB   1
22:45, 21 June 2021 5. Start The Process.png (file) 66 KB   1
22:45, 21 June 2021 6. Tap Next If The Issue Is Resolved.png (file) 85 KB   1
22:46, 21 June 2021 7. Tap Resolved.png (file) 82 KB   1
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