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*Series          =Super
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*Resolution      =2MP
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*Image            =file:DHIPCEBW812A0N.jpg
|Image            =file:DHIPCEBW812A0N.jpg

Revision as of 22:15, 20 July 2016


Series =Super Resolution =2MP Image =file:DHIPCEBW812A0N.jpg


name = Electron image = HAtomOrbitals.png caption = Hydrogen atom orbitals at different energy levels. The brighter areas are where you are most likely to find an electron at any given time. num_types = composition = Elementary particle<ref name="prl50"/> statistics = Fermionic group = Lepton generation = First interaction = Gravity, electromagnetic, weak antiparticle = Positron (also called antielectron) theorized = Richard Laming (1838–1851),<ref name="farrar"/>
G. Johnstone Stoney (1874) and others.<ref name="arabatzis"/><ref name="buchwald1"/>
discovered = J. J. Thomson (1897)<ref name="thomson"/> symbol = Template:SubatomicParticle, Template:SubatomicParticle mass = Template:Val<ref name="2010 CODATA" />
Template:Val<ref name="2010 CODATA" />
[[[:Template:Val]]]−1 u<ref group=note>The fractional version's denominator is the inverse of the decimal value (along with its relative standard uncertainty of Template:Val).</ref>
Template:Val<ref name="2010 CODATA"/>
electric_charge = Template:Val<ref group=note>The electron's charge is the negative of elementary charge, which has a positive value for the proton.</ref>
Template:Val<ref name="2010 CODATA" />
magnetic_moment = Template:Gaps<ref name="2010 CODATA" /> spin = Template:Sfrac mean_lifetime = stable ( > Template:Val<ref name=bx2015>{{cite journal author = Agostini M. et al. (Borexino Coll.) year = 2015 title = Test of Electric Charge Conservation with Borexino url = http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.231802 journal = Physical Review Letters issue = 23 | pages = 231802 doi = 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.231802 bibcode = 2015PhRvL.115w1802A arxiv = 1509.01223