SmartPSS/How To Use SmartPSS With Two Monitors

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How To Use SmartPSS With Two Monitors


This article will show you how to open SmartPSS on multiple monitors


Video Instructions

Coming Soon

Step by Step Instructions

1. Launch SmartPSS.

Two Monitors Smart PSS -1.jpg

2. Click a menu option, such as 'Live View', to open this menu in a new tab

Two Monitors Smart PSS -2.jpg

3. A new tab will be opened for Live View.

Two Monitors Smart PSS - 3.jpg

4. Add devices to the grid layout as desired to set up the primary monitor by dragging and dropping.

Two Monitors Smart PSS - 4.jpg

5. Click the + / Plus icon to open a new tab

Two Monitors Smart PSS - 5.jpg

6. Once on the New Tab Menu, Click 'Live View'

Two Monitors Smart PSS - 6.jpg

7. A new Live View tab will appear. Add devices to the grid layout as desired to set up the secondary monitor by dragging and dropping.

Two Monitors Smart PSS - 7.jpg

Two Monitors Smart PSS - 8.jpg

8. Click the tab header then drag and drop it to the secondary monitor. A new independent window of SmartPSS will load.

Two Monitors Smart PSS - end.jpg