Template:RS485 WebUI New

Revision as of 19:59, 24 January 2020 by Marques.Phillips (talk | contribs)

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  • Dahua recorder with RS485 port
  • Network connection for recorder

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Enter the IP of the device into a browser

At the Web Login

Enter the Username and Password

Click Login

RS485 - WebUI New - 1.jpg

2. Click Management in the top left corner of the screen

Select Camera

RS485 - WebUI New - 2.jpg

3. Click PTZ

RS485 - WebUI New - 3.jpg

4. Use the dropdown box to select the Channel

RS485 - WebUI New - 4.jpg

5. Use the dropdown box next to PTZ Type to select Local

RS485 - WebUI New - 5.jpg

6. Enter the desired settings for the RS485 communication

  • Protocol
  • Address
  • Baud Rate
  • Data Bit
  • Stop Bit
  • Parity

RS485 - WebUI New - 6.jpg

7. Click OK to save settings

RS485 - WebUI New - 7.jpg