DSS/Product Comparison Chart

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DSS Product Comparison Chart

DSS Products DSS产品 DSS Express
DSS Express
DSS Express S
DSS Pro DSS4004-S2-W DSS4004-S2 DSS7016D-S2
Version 1.00.003 1.00.003 1.00.003 7.02.002 1.01.000 1.01.000 1.01.000
OS 系统 Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Linux Linux
Form 纯软/一体机 Software Software Software Software ALL-IN-ONE ALL-IN-ONE ALL-IN-ONE
International Language 国际化语言
Type of deployment 部署方式 Single-server Single-server Single-server Distribute
Single-server Single-server Distribute
Internal and external network deployment 外网映射
Hot standby 双机热备 × × × ×
Distribute 分布式 × × × × ×
N+M N+M × × × × × × ×
Cascade As Superior Level 作为级联的上级 × × × × × ×
Cascade As Subordinate Level 作为级联的下级 × ×
Web Manager 网页管理端 × × × × ×
PC Control Client 电脑客户端
DSS Mobile 移动客户端 √ (1) √ (1)
Licensing 许可 Free Perpetual Free Perpetual × × ×
Supported video Channels Per Server 单服务器视频路数 64 512 256 2000 64 512 2000
Maximum Video Input Bandwidth Per Server 单服务器视频输入带宽 350Mbps 350Mbps 350Mbps 600Mbps 350Mbps 350Mbps 700Mbps
Maximum Video Output Bandwidth Per Server 单服务器视频输出带宽 350Mbps 350Mbps 350Mbps 600Mbps 350Mbps 350Mbps 700Mbps
Maximum Number of Slave Servers Per Master Server 分布式从机最大数量 × × × 20 × × 20
Maximum Write Bandwidth Per Server 单服务器视频存储带宽 150Mbps 150Mbps 150Mbps 600Mbps 150Mbps 150Mbps 700Mbps
Maximum Read Bandwidth Per Server 单服务器视频读取带宽 150Mbps 150Mbps 150Mbps 600Mbps 150Mbps 150Mbps 700Mbps
Maximum numbers of online users 同时在线最大用户数 1 100 1 200 10 100 200
Device support
Onvif Onvif最大接入数量 8chs 64chs 8chs 800chs 64 chs 64 chs 200chs
Add devices by P2P server P2P添加设备 × × ×
IP Address IP地址添加设备
IP Section IP段添加设备 × × × × ×
Domain Name 域名添加设备
Auto Register 主动注册 × × × × ×
Automatic camera discovery 自动搜索设备
Automatic camera time synchronization 自动时间同步
Built-in backup-restore support 系统备份和系统恢复
Offline license activation 离线激活license × ×
Time synchronization of time zone and daylight saving time 时区同步和夏令时同步 × × × × × × ×
Device Stream config 设备码流配置
UI Switching 主题切换
User authentication and rights management
Role 角色 × × × × ×
User 用户
Time schedule controlled user access to devices and functions 时间限制
Restrict user access by limit MAC address MAC地址限制
Microsoft Active Directory 域用户 × × × × ×
System monitoring
Real-time and historical system status of management server 服务器的实时及历史状态 × × × × ×
Real-time and historical status of events 事件的实时及历史状态 × × × × ×
Real-time and historical system status of devices 设备的实时及历史状态 × × × × ×
Real-time and historical bandwidth 带宽的实时及历史状态 × × × × ×
Device status 设备状态
Video detection 视频检测
Intelligent detection 智能检测
Face recognition arming 人脸识别布控
Vehicle arming 车辆布控 × ×
Thermal camera temperature measurement 热成像设备温度监测
Alarm in 报警输入
Access control 门禁
Alarm manager
Schedule 报警预案
Acknowledge 认领 × ×
Reassign 事件转发 × ×
Alarm description with work instructions 报警事件处理描述 × ×
Number of alarm priority levels 报警支持的等级区分 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Log 日志
Pop up video 报警弹窗
Custom the alarm audio 自定义报警声音
Mail notification Automatically 邮件通知自动
Mail Manually 手动发送邮件 × ×
Linkage action(Preset, video wall, access control, alarm out, records, snap) 报警联动动作 √(No Preset, Video Wall) √(No Preset, Video Wall)
Schedule 录像预案 ×
Pre-record 预录 ×
Multi stream 多码流 ×
Evidence lock 加锁 ×
Records bookmark 标记 ×
Disk group 磁盘组 × × × × ×
Disk information display (total, used, remaining) 磁盘信息显示(总计,使用,剩余) × × ×
Records backup from device by time or wifi 时间和wifi补录 × × × × ×
Raster image 光栅图
Google online map 谷歌在线地图 × × × × ×
Google offline map 谷歌离线地图 × × × × ×
Hot zone 热区 ×
Visual field 可视域 × √(Only for some PTZ Camera)
√(Only for some PTZ Camera)

Resource icon flash when alarm 报警闪烁
People counting 人数统计
Heat map 热度图
Face recognition 人脸识别
Face feature search 人脸特征简索
Search face by image 以图搜图
Generate the track according to the face recognition 人脸轨迹 ×
Face attribute report 人脸可视化报表
License Plate Recognition 车牌识别 ×
Driving track according to License Plate Recognition 车辆轨迹 × × × × ×
Vehicle blacklist arming 车辆黑名单布控 × × × ×
Object detection 目标检测 × × × × ×
Thermal temperature measurement 热成像温度监测
Live view
Custom split 自定义分割
Multi-screen 多屏显示
ROI(Region Of Interest) 感兴趣区域 ×
Image config 图像配置
Quick change to playback 一键切换到回放模块 × ×
GPU decode GPU解码
Set the widow as alarm attribute 设置为报警窗口
Alarm Output Control 报警输出控制 × ×
Region Zoom In 框选放大
Video Tour 视频轮巡
Thumbnail search 缩略图简索 × × × × ×
Search by record type 按录像类型搜索
Output Playback to Video Wall 回放上墙 ×
Smart Search 智能搜索
Multi-task download 多任务下载
Supports AVI, DAV, MP4 支持下载为AVI、DAV、MP4格式
Download by time, file, bookmark 支持根据时间轴、文件、标记进行下载
Cut and download the records 裁剪下载录像
Video Wall
Video wall tour 电视墙轮巡 ×
Push the playback video to video wall 回放上墙 ×
Display the video in the window 电视墙资源绑定窗口显示视频画面
Mark important windows on the video wall 标记重要窗口
Preset 预置点
Preset Linkage 预置联动
Multi Presets Tour 多预置点轮巡
Scanning/transition speed 转动速度
Number of PTZ priority levels for prioritized PTZ control 权限层级区分 × × × 10 × × 10
Bullet & PTZ Linkage 枪球联动
Fisheye & PTZ Linkage 鱼球联动 ×
Rader & PTZ Linkage 雷球联动 × × × × × × ×
One-way audio - live and recording support 单向音频 - 实时和录像
Two-way audio - live support 双向音频 - 实时
Personnel Management
Batch Import/Export for personnel info 批量导入导出人员信息 ×
Batch Import for authentication method 批量导入授权
Extract personnel info from A&C device 从门禁设备获取人员信息
Persons 30,000 30,000 30,000 100,000 30,000 30,000 100,000
Cards 30,000 30,000 30,000 100,000 30,000 30,000 100,000
Fingerprints 指纹 90,000 90,000 90,000 300,000 90,000 90,000 300,000
Facial Pohtos 人脸 30,000 30,000 30,000 100,000 30,000 30,000 100,000
Access control
Batch access card 批量发卡 ×
Door group management 门组管理
Unlock in different time periods 分时段开门
Get record from device 从门禁设备提取记录
Holiday plan 假日计划
First card unlock 首卡开门
Multiple card unlock 多卡开门
Inter-lock 多门互锁
Anti-passback 防反潜
Remote Verification 远程验证
Remote unlock the door 远程开门
Fire linkage 火警联动
Generate the track 生成轨迹 ×
Attendance 考勤
Video Intercom
SIP-based two-way video intercom between VDP Devices VDP设备对讲
SIP-based two-way video intercom between VDP Devices with control center VDP与管理中心对讲
Send information to the indoor unit 发送消息给室内机
DSS Mobile VDP VDP移动客户端
Binding ordinary camera 卡口相机与普通相机绑定
White List 白名单
Alarm Controller
Arm/Disarm 布放/撤防 × ×
Free Attendance 自由考勤
Fixed Attendance 固定考勤
Holiday Management 假日管理
Temporary Shift 临时排班
Attendance Report 考勤报表
Visitor Management
Visitor Registration 访客登记 × ×
Visitor Search 访客搜索 × ×
POS search and playback the records POS搜索和录像回放
Add on
Business intelligence analysis 商业智能分析 × × × × × × ×
Vehicle violation 车辆违章 × × × × × ×
Traffic flow 车流量 × × × × × ×
Interval speed measurement 区间测速 × × × × × ×