DSS/V8/DSS Express/Instruction/License Activation (Offline)

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This guide will show how to activate the DSS Pro/Express license.

! Note: this guide is for DSS Servers not connected to the Internet.

You will need to have another computer with Internet Access to activate the License.


  • DSS Pro / Express V8 Server and Client
  • License Key that you received from your Sales Rep
  • Another computer that has Internet Access
  • USB Drive

Step by Step Instructions

1.Log into DSS and select [License].

LicenseDeactivationV8 1.jpg

2. Select [Activate Offline].


3. Insert the 16-digit License Key. If you have multiple License Keys, you can add them all together.

After adding all the License Keys, click on [Export]


4. DSS will then generate a LicenseActiveFile.zip.

Copy this file to another PC which has public Internet access.


5. Click on the blue link to go to DSS License Management Page


6. Select [DSS]


7. Select [Activate License]


8. Upload the LicenseActiveFile.zip.

Dahua DSS License Management System will check the file.

If the License is valid, it will activate it for you.


9. Once the License is activated, you will be requested to download a LicenseDat.zip.


10. Copy the LicenseDat.zip back to the PC that has DSS Client.

Click on [Import] and upload the LicenseDat.zip. Then DSS will be activated successfully.


!Note: LicenseActiveFile.zip and LicenseDat.zip are correlated. You cannot use the LicenseDat.zip on another PC rather than the one from which you extract the corresponding LicenseActiveFile.zip.