AI/Instructions/Create Face Database

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Create Face Database


This article will cover how to create a Face Database for facial recognition on a Dahua AI Recorder


  • A Dahua AI Recorder:




Step by Step Instructions

1. From the main screen of the iVSS system, select the plus "+" at the top.


2. Select "File" from the Applications menu.


3. Select "+ Create" at the top.


4. Enter the name of the Face Database you are creating. Then either select "Save and close", if you just want to create an empty database, or "Register Face ->", if you want to add at least one face to the database as you initialize it.


5. If you selected "Register Face ->" in Step 4, you will be presented with this screen. To manual add one face at a time, leave "Manual Add" selected at the top. To batch add, select "Batch Import" at the top and skip to Step 8.
Select the image plus icon on the left to search your file system for a picture of the person's face. (Face image requirements: File size - <=256KB; Resolution range - 200x200-6000x5000)
Fill in the information about this person on the right.


6. Either select "Save and continue to add" to add more faces to the database before you finish initializing it, or select "OK" to initialize the database with just this face.


7. Once you have successfully initialized the Face Database you will see all the faces you have registered on this screen.


8. If you want to batch import more than one face at a time, either select the "Batch Import" option when creating a database (See Step 5 above), or select "Batch Import" from the database page (see Step 7).
Select "Upload Files" in the center to search your file system for multiple image files to import. You can select multiple at a time.
Make sure the images of the faces have the naming format listed to auto populate the information about each face.


9. Select "OK" when you are done, to import all the face images.
