ConfigTool Update Firmware

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How to Update Firmware via ConfigTool 3.20


  • Update Fimrware via ConfigTool 3.20
  • Note: If your IP Camera is connected to the back of an NVR, these instructions will not apply. Please see, "How to Connect IP Camera to NVR"


  • Firmware for Specific Model
  • ConfigTool 3.20
    ConfigTool download
  • Windows PC.
  • Dahua Devices on the same LAN as the PC for using the ConfigTool.

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

Download the config tool from the website.

For Local Network upgrade.

Step 1. Select "Refresh" to find Dahua devices on local network. You may manually input the IP of the Dahua device manually by selecting "Login". You may also use the manual login option to login in remote devices outside your local network.

config wiki 1.png

Step 2. Select "Upgrade"


Step 3. Select device to be upgraded → Open the file location of the firmware → Select "Upgrade".

config wiki 31.png

Device will reboot.

For Remote Dahua device Upgrade using Manual Login.

Step 1. Select "Login" → input external IP address of Dahua Device → Login with credentials → input HTTP port → select "OK".

config wiki remote 1.png

Step 2. Select "Upgrade" → Select file location of the firmware → select "Upgrade"

config wiki remote 3.png