3rd Party Hardware/Roku/View Camera Feeds via IP Camera Viewer

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View Camera Feeds via IP Camera Viewer


These instructions will show you how to view your camera feeds from a Roku device using RTSP or ONVIF protocols.


  • Roku
  • Dahua IP Camera, or ONVIF Server compliant Recorder

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Go to the following link and click, "+Add Channel"

Roku Setup IPCameraViewer1.png

2. You should now see, "IP Camera Viewer" on your Roku. If you do not see the application, reboot the Roku and repeat Step 1.

Roku Setup IPCameraViewer2.png

3. Launch, "IP Camera Viewer" and click, "Add New Camera"

Roku Setup IPCameraViewer3.png

4. On this page you want to input the following:

Roku Setup IPCameraViewer4.png

  • Camera Name = This can be anything you want
  • Description = This can be anything you want
  • IP = IP Address of the target Dahua IP Camera or Recorder
  • TCP Port = This can be either the HTTP, TCP, or RSTP Port. If one doesnt work, try 80, 37777, 554 or the new ports that the system is currently using
  • Login = This could be the credentials to login to the Dahua device, or the ONVIF credentials. Use ONVIF Device Manager to verify credentials, and ONVIF Compliance
  • Password = This could be the credentials to login to the Dahua device, or the ONVIF credentials. Use ONVIF Device Manager to verify credentials, and ONVIF Compliance
  • Stream URL = This should be manually input to the following: rtsp://

5. After all of the above information is input, click, "Test Camera Config"

Roku Setup IPCameraViewer5.png

6. If successful, you should see the video feed on the right hand side.

Roku Setup IPCameraViewer6.png

7. Click, "Save Camera"

Roku Setup IPCameraViewer7.png

8. You should now be able to pull up the video feed from your Roku device.

Roku Setup IPCameraViewer8.png