Thermal/DHI-ASI7213X-T1/Instructions/Mask Modes
Mask Modes
This article is to show different type of mask mode and unlock mode.
Video Instructions
Mask Modes
Main Menu > System > Face Parameters > Mask Modes
- Not Detect - System will not check whether a person wearing a mask or not.
- Mask Reminder - System will check whether a person wearing a mask or not. If the person is detected without wearing a mask, the system will prompt mask reminder and passage is allowed.
- Mask Intercept - System will check whether a person wearing a mask or not. If the person is detected without wearing a mask, the system will prompt mask reminder and passage is NOT allowed. This mode can be in use when Unlock Mode is turn ON.
Unlock Mode
Main Menu > Access > Unlock Mode
Unlock Mode ON = Face Recognition enabled
the need of identify people's face to open the door. Example scenario: Office, Factory, etc.
Temperature Monitoring Mode Only ON = Face Recognition disabled
only monitor human temperature, enabled for quick speed, 0.5s monitoring time interval for each person. Example scenario: Restaurant, Retail store, Amusement park, etc.