Record/Advanced/SD Card Record Setup
Setup Dahua IP Camera to Record to SD-Card
Configure Camera to record locally on the SD Card
1) Dahua IP Camera
2) Local network access
Step by step instruction
1) Enter the IP Address of your camera in your web browser and log in
2) Select Settings and storage from the menu options
3) Select destination then select local
4) Your SD Card should now be listed
- To ensure it is ready to record Select format
5) Select Schedule
6) Ensure your recording schedule is configured
- Either motion recording or Normal
Configure Camera to record locally on the SD Card
1) Dahua IP Camera
2) Compatible SD Card installed In camera
3) Local network access
4) Computer with SmartPSS Installed
Step by step instruction
1) Select Devices and Add the Camera to the Smart PSS Software
2) Select device Config and select the camera
3) Select Storage then select HDD Manager
4) Ensure your SD Card is listed and has no errors
5) Select Schedule
6) Configure desired recording schedule
7) Your camera should now record to the local SD cardMobile:iDMSS Plus & gDMSS Plus
Configure Camera to record locally on the SD Card
1) Dahua IP Camera
2) Compatible SD Card installed in Camera
3) P2P Access from mobile phone
Step By Step Instructions
1) launch mobile application and select device
2) Select your camera from the list
3) select HDD Manager and ensure your SD card is shown
4) Now select Remote configuration from the device menu
5) Select Storage Manager then select schedule
6) Select the save icon in the top right to modify recording schedule
7) Ensure you have the desired storage schedule configured and save