Template:DHI ASI7213X T1 SystemUI Firmware Update

Revision as of 19:34, 8 June 2020 by JP (talk | contribs) (Prerequisites)


  • DHI-ASI7213X-T1
  • LAN Access from a Windows PC

Step by Step Instructions

1. Enable "File name extensions" on File Explorer and rename the MCU file to "update.bin"

Image (3).png

2. Login on the access control monitor.

DSC 0072.JPG DSC 0073.JPG

3. Tap "USB".

DSC 0074.JPG

4. Tap "USB Update".

DSC 0076.JPG

5. Confirm with the update.

DSC 0077.JPG

6. Wait for the update to finish, don't power off the device at this screen!

DSC 0078.JPG

7. Wait for the update to finish, don't power off the device at this screen!

DSC 0079.JPG