Alarm Config Settings

Revision as of 20:41, 29 October 2020 by Marques.Phillips (talk | contribs) (Description)


Alarms of various types can be setup and configured to respond in different ways when triggered.

Setting Description
Period Sets the time and days of the week this alarm can be triggered
Post-Record Sets the amount of seconds that are recorded after the alarm event is done being triggered, if "Record Channel" is enabled
Alarm Out Sets alarm outputs that will be activate when this alarm is triggered
> How To Setup Alarm Output
Record Channel Sets which channels are recorded when the alarm is triggered
Tour Enables a tour when the alarm is triggered
PTZ Activation Sets the behavior of a PTZ camera connected to the same recorder when the alarm is triggered
> How To Setup PTZ Activation
Buzzer Makes the recorder emit an audible beeping noise when the alarm is triggered
Alarm Upload
Log Records the event information in the system log when the alarm is triggered
Send Email Sends an email, via the settings set in the Email section of the Network settings on the recorder, when the alarm is triggered
> How To Setup Email Notifications