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System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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history_short (talk) (Translate) History
historyaction-submit (talk) (Translate) Show
historyempty (talk) (Translate) (empty)
historysize (talk) (Translate) ({{PLURAL:$1|1 byte|$1 bytes}})
historywarning (talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> The page you are about to delete has a history with $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}}:
hookaborted (talk) (Translate) The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension.
hours (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 hour|$1 hours}}
hours-abbrev (talk) (Translate) $1 h
hours-ago (talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|hour|hours}} ago
hr_tip (talk) (Translate) Horizontal line (use sparingly)
htmlform-chosen-placeholder (talk) (Translate) Select an option
htmlform-cloner-create (talk) (Translate) Add more
htmlform-cloner-delete (talk) (Translate) Remove
htmlform-cloner-required (talk) (Translate) At least one value is required.
htmlform-float-invalid (talk) (Translate) The value you specified is not a number.
htmlform-int-invalid (talk) (Translate) The value you specified is not an integer.
htmlform-int-toohigh (talk) (Translate) The value you specified is above the maximum of $1.
htmlform-int-toolow (talk) (Translate) The value you specified is below the minimum of $1.
htmlform-invalid-input (talk) (Translate) There are problems with some of your input.
htmlform-no (talk) (Translate) No
htmlform-required (talk) (Translate) This value is required.
htmlform-reset (talk) (Translate) Undo changes
htmlform-select-badoption (talk) (Translate) The value you specified is not a valid option.
htmlform-selectorother-other (talk) (Translate) Other
htmlform-submit (talk) (Translate) Submit
htmlform-title-badnamespace (talk) (Translate) [[:$1]] is not in the "{{ns:$2}}" namespace.
htmlform-title-not-creatable (talk) (Translate) "$1" is not a creatable page title
htmlform-title-not-exists (talk) (Translate) $1 does not exist.
htmlform-user-not-exists (talk) (Translate) <strong>$1</strong> does not exist.
htmlform-user-not-valid (talk) (Translate) <strong>$1</strong> isn't a valid username.
htmlform-yes (talk) (Translate) Yes
http-bad-status (talk) (Translate) There was a problem during the HTTP request: $1 $2
http-curl-error (talk) (Translate) Error fetching URL: $1
http-invalid-scheme (talk) (Translate) URLs with the "$1" scheme are not supported.
http-invalid-url (talk) (Translate) Invalid URL: $1
http-read-error (talk) (Translate) HTTP read error.
http-request-error (talk) (Translate) HTTP request failed due to unknown error.
http-timed-out (talk) (Translate) HTTP request timed out.
ignorewarning (talk) (Translate) Ignore warning and save file anyway
ignorewarnings (talk) (Translate) Ignore any warnings
illegal-filename (talk) (Translate) The filename is not allowed.
illegalfilename (talk) (Translate) The filename "$1" contains characters that are not allowed in page titles. Please rename the file and try uploading it again.
ilsubmit (talk) (Translate) Search
image_sample (talk) (Translate) Example.jpg
image_tip (talk) (Translate) Embedded file
imageinvalidfilename (talk) (Translate) The target filename is invalid.
imagelisttext (talk) (Translate) Below is a list of <strong>$1</strong> {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}} sorted $2.
imagemap_bad_image (talk) (Translate) Error: Image is blacklisted on this page.
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