System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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june-date (talk) (Translate) June $1
june-gen (talk) (Translate) June
just-now (talk) (Translate) just now
kartographer-attribution (talk) (Translate) Wikimedia maps beta | Map data © [ OpenStreetMap contributors]
kartographer-broken-category (talk) (Translate) Pages with broken maps
kartographer-broken-category-desc (talk) (Translate) The page includes an invalid map usage
kartographer-coord-combined (talk) (Translate) $1 $2
kartographer-coord-dms (talk) (Translate) $1°$2′$3″
kartographer-coord-lat-negative (talk) (Translate) $1S
kartographer-coord-lat-positive (talk) (Translate) $1N
kartographer-coord-lon-negative (talk) (Translate) $1W
kartographer-coord-lon-positive (talk) (Translate) $1E
kartographer-desc (talk) (Translate) Allows maps to be added to the wiki pages
kartographer-error-bad_attr (talk) (Translate) Attribute "$1" has an invalid value
kartographer-error-bad_data (talk) (Translate) The JSON content is not correct
kartographer-error-context (talk) (Translate) <$1>: $2
kartographer-error-context-multi (talk) (Translate) <$1> problems: $2
kartographer-error-missing-attr (talk) (Translate) Attribute "$1" is missing
kartographer-fullscreen-close (talk) (Translate) Close
kartographer-fullscreen-text (talk) (Translate) Show in full screen
kartographer-tracking-category (talk) (Translate) Pages with maps
kartographer-tracking-category-desc (talk) (Translate) The page includes a map
kartographer.css (talk) (Translate) /* CSS placed here will be applied to all pages with maps */
/* CSS placed here will be applied to all pages with maps */ .mw-kartographer { background: white !important; }
kartographer.js (talk) (Translate) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on load of the map-containing pages */
/********************************************************************** * The JavaScript in this file is a CUSTOMIZATION of the Kartographer * extension for Wikivoyage. * * For any information about Kartographer, visit the page: * * * WHAT IS IT DOING ? * * This code listens to a Kartographer extension hook `wikipage.maps` * and adds a few features onto the map: * * - Adds a control (top right) to select a different tile layer and toggle * overlays: * - Adds tile layers (mapnik, mapquestopen, mapquest, landscape) * - Adds overlays (traffic, maplabels, boundaries, hill, cycling, hiking) * - Adds a control (top left) to show the Nearby Articles from enwikivoyage. * * HOW CAN YOU HELP ? * * We need to collect feedback, about the experimentation itself, about the * features, the design, the user experience, the code... We also need to * start tracking bugs and fixing them. Please help. * * To report a bug or an issue: * * * * To contribute to the code: *;browse/master/ * * **********************************************************************/ ( function ( mw ) { var wv, ready, nearbyArticlesCfg = { url: '', thumbPath: '//' }, /* jscs:disable validateQuoteMarks, disallowQuotedKeysInObjects */ maptiles = { "mapnik": { "tilesUrl": "//{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "options": { "wvIsExternal": true, "wvName": "Mapnik", "subdomains": [ "a", "b", "c" ], "attribs": [ { "url": "", "name": "OpenStreetMap", "label": "Map data" } ] } }, "landscape": { /* [[User:DTankersley (WMF)]] is the contact person for this API key */ "tilesUrl": "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=ca8e8a8e3f9a44c19a8edcf8fb5f90c4", "options": { "wvIsExternal": true, "wvName": "Relief map", "attribs": [ { "url": "", "name": "OpenStreetMap", "label": "Map data" }, { "url": "", "name": "Andy Allan", "label": "Tiles" } ] } }, "traffic-line-network": { "tilesUrl": "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "options": { "wvIsOverlay": true, "wvIsExternal": true, "wvName": "Traffic line network", "attribs": [ { "url": "", "name": "", "label": "Traffic lines" } ], "opacity": 0.5, "maxNativeZoom": 17 } }, "boundaries": { "tilesUrl": "{x}&y={y}&z={z}", "options": { "wvIsOverlay": true, "wvIsExternal": true, "wvName": "Boundaries", "attribs": [] } }, "cycling": { "tilesUrl": "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "options": { "wvIsOverlay": true, "wvIsExternal": true, "wvName": "Cycling", "attribs": [ { "url": "", "name": "Waymarked Trails", "label": "Cycling routes" } ] } }, "hiking": { "tilesUrl": "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "options": { "wvIsOverlay": true, "wvIsExternal": true, "wvName": "Hiking", "attribs": [ { "url": "", "name": "Waymarked Trails", "label": "Hiking trails" } ] } }, "hill-shading": { "tilesUrl": "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "options": { "wvIsOverlay": true, "wvIsExternal": true, "wvName": "Hill shading", "attribs": [ { "url": "", "name": "NASA", "label": "Hill shading" } ] } } }; /* jscs:enable validateQuoteMarks, disallowQuotedKeysInObjects */ mw.hook( 'wikipage.maps' ).add( function ( maps ) { ready = ready || mw.loader.using( [ 'oojs-ui', 'ext.kartographer.wv' ] ).done( function () { wv = mw.loader.require( 'ext.kartographer.wv' ); wv.NearbyArticles.setConfig( nearbyArticlesCfg ); $.each( maptiles, function ( i, tile ) { wv.wikivoyage.addTileLayer( i, tile.tilesUrl, tile.options ); } ); } ); // `maps` can be an array maps = $.isArray( maps ) ? maps : [ maps ]; ready.done( function () { // customize each map $.each( maps, function ( i, map ) { var wvmap = new wv.WVMap( map ); wvmap.controlLayers() .basemap( 'mapnik' ) .basemap( 'landscape' ) .overlay( 'traffic-line-network' ) .overlay( 'boundaries' ) .overlay( 'hill-shading' ) .overlay( 'cycling' ) .overlay( 'hiking' ) .datalayer( map.dataLayers ) .update(); wvmap.nearby(); } ); } ); } ); } )( mediaWiki );
lag-warn-high (talk) (Translate) Due to high database server lag, changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
lag-warn-normal (talk) (Translate) Changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
laggedslavemode (talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> Page may not contain recent updates.
language-converter-depth-warning (talk) (Translate) Language converter depth limit exceeded ($1)
large-file (talk) (Translate) It is recommended that files are no larger than $1; this file is $2.
largefileserver (talk) (Translate) This file is bigger than the server is configured to allow.
last (talk) (Translate) prev
lastmodifiedat (talk) (Translate) This page was last modified on $1, at $2.
lastmodifiedatby (talk) (Translate) This page was last modified $2, $1 by $3.
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-circle-radius (talk) (Translate) Radius
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-circle-tooltip-start (talk) (Translate) Click and drag to draw a circle
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-marker-tooltip-start (talk) (Translate) Click map to place a marker
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-polygon-tooltip-cont (talk) (Translate) Click to continue drawing this shape
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-polygon-tooltip-end (talk) (Translate) Click first point to close this shape
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-polygon-tooltip-start (talk) (Translate) Click to start drawing a shape
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-polyline-error (talk) (Translate) Error: shape edges cannot cross
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-polyline-tooltip-cont (talk) (Translate) Click to continue drawing this line
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-polyline-tooltip-end (talk) (Translate) Click last point to finish this line
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-polyline-tooltip-start (talk) (Translate) Click to start drawing a line
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-rectangle-tooltip-start (talk) (Translate) Click and drag to draw a rectangle
leafletdraw-draw-handlers-simpleshape-tooltip-end (talk) (Translate) Release mouse to finish drawing
leafletdraw-draw-toolbar-actions-text (talk) (Translate) Cancel
leafletdraw-draw-toolbar-actions-title (talk) (Translate) Cancel drawing
leafletdraw-draw-toolbar-buttons-circle (talk) (Translate) Draw a circle
leafletdraw-draw-toolbar-buttons-marker (talk) (Translate) Draw a marker
leafletdraw-draw-toolbar-buttons-polygon (talk) (Translate) Draw a polygon
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