:Internal Only/Avaya

Revision as of 16:59, 27 March 2019 by JP (talk | contribs) (Provision)


VPN User Name: exo_jweng01@na.convergys.com

Password: Dahuatech01

Avaya Phone Access Code: 86387

New Avaya Phone Access Code: 27238

VPN User Name: exo_jweng01

Password: Dahuatech01

Extension: 49069

Password: 49069

Call Server:

HTTP Server:

Call Server 2:

Login CDCF: 63400

Outside Number:



1. Boot Avaya Phone.

Provision Avaya1 (Large).JPG

2. Press, "*" to login to Configuration.

Provision Avaya2 (Large).JPG

3. Enter, "86387" and then "#"

Provision Avaya3 (Large).JPG

4. Scroll down to, "Clear" press, "Enter" then, "Clear"

Provision Avaya4 (Large).JPG->Provision Avaya5 (Large).JPG

5. Phone will reboot.

Provision Avaya6 (Large).JPG

6. Press, "*" to login to Configuration.

7. Enter, "27238" and then "#"

8. Scroll down to, "ADDR" and click, "Start"

9. Scroll down to, "Phone Server" and click, "Change"

10. Input, "" and click, "Save"

11. Scroll down to, "HTTP Server" and click, "Change"

12. Input, "" and click, "Save"

13. Click, "Back"

14. Click, "Exit" the phone will reboot.

Note: 86387 is the login password once these instructions are complete.