:Internal Only/Process/Accessing Customer Equipment Using RDP

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Accessing Customer Equipment Using RDP


This SOP provides scripts that an agent is required to use when they need to remotely connect to the customer’s system using remote devices.


Use the following script when you identify the need to replicate / verify the customer issue using a device at Concentrix.

“<customer name>, in order to identify the cause, I would like to set up a device in our lab here to replicate the issue. I will need the credentials to access your system. Do you give us your consent to access your system?”

If customer chooses NOT to allow you to replicate, continue with troubleshooting normally. If customer chooses to allow you to replicate, perform the required troubleshooting to resolve the issue.

Once the troubleshooting is over, ask the customer, “<customer name>, while I am still connected to your system, is there anything else I can help you with?”

If the customer says “No”, then inform the customer, “Okay, I am now going to remove your device access from our lab device.”

Note: If customer does not feel comfortable providing the password, let them know that they can change the password temporarily for giving it to you, and, they can change it back to the original one once the interaction is over. Note: When a need arises to access customer’s DVR, always ask the customer for their consent and then connect using their username and password. DO NOT in any circumstance connect using backdoor credentials. Customer must never know that we have a way to connect to their system using some backdoor credentials. Also never connect to a customer’s system unless there is a need to troubleshoot an issue. A failure to follow this requirement will be considered a security and a privacy breach and is a terminable offence.