Template:IVS People Counting SystemUI NewGUI

Revision as of 18:24, 4 December 2019 by Marques.Phillips (talk | contribs)

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This guide will show how to set up the People Counting feature in the SystemUI with NewUI


  • Dahua device with People Counting feature

Video Instructions

Step By Step Instructions

1. From the Main Menu

Click AI

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 1.jpg

2. Click Parameters

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 2.jpg

3. Click Smart Plan

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 3.jpg

4. Use the dropdown box to select the Channel

Click the People Counting symbol to enable the Smart Plan

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 4.jpg

5. Click Apply to save

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 5.jpg

6. Click People Counting

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 6.jpg

7. Click to Enable the feature

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 7.jpg

8. Click the Rule button to set the parameters for the People Counting

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 8.jpg

9. Click the Trash icon to clear the default Area/Rule

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 9.jpg

10. To begin drawing the detection area

Click Draw Area

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 9-1.jpg

11. Left click inside the window to begin drawing the detection area

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 10.jpg

Right click to complete the area and finish drawing

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 11.jpg

12. To begin drawing the detection rule (trigger line for people counting)

Click Draw Rule

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 12.jpg

13. Left click inside the window to draw the Rule. Right click to finish drawing. This line will be the trigger for counting people that cross it.

  • The arrow defines the direction of people entering the scene (Enter)
    • To create a downward facing arrow, create the Rule by starting on the left hand side then drag the mouse to the right
    • To create an upward facing arrow, create the Rule line by starting on the right hand side then drag the mouse to the left

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 13.jpg

14. Click OK to save

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 14.jpg

15. Click Apply to save

People Counting - SystemUI NewGUI - 15.jpg