IP Camera/Playback/Playback Menu

Revision as of 17:13, 13 October 2015 by JP (talk | contribs) (Playback Toolbar)

Playback Menu

IPCPlaybackMenu.jpgThere are four sections:

1: Function of play

2: Playback file

3: Play time cut

4: Record type

5: Progress bar

6: Assistant function

Playback Toolbar




1. Play

When you see this button, it means pause or not played record. Click on this button, switch to normal play status.

2. Stop

Click this button to stop playing.

3. Play by frame

Click on this button to go to next frame.


You shall pause record when you use this function.

4. Slow

Click on this button to play slowly.

5. Quick

Click on this button to play quickly.

6. Silent

When this button displays, it means audio is silent. Click on this button to switch back to normal.

7. Volume

Click on left mouse to adjust volume.

8. Fisheye

Click this button and fisheye device can adjust display mode according to different installation mode during the process of playback.