Template:PTZ Pattern DSS Express

Revision as of 18:46, 9 January 2020 by Marques.Phillips (talk | contribs)

How to Setup Pattern


Pattern allows the PTZ camera to move according to a created movement Pattern

This guide will show how to create and run a Pattern using DSS Express S


  • Dahua Network PTZ
  • DSS Express S
  • PTZ camera added to DSS Express S

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions


PTZPattern - DSS Express S - 1.jpg

PTZPattern - DSS Express S - 2.jpg

PTZPattern - DSS Express S - 3.jpg

PTZPattern - DSS Express S - 4.jpg

PTZPattern - DSS Express S - 5.jpg

PTZPattern - DSS Express S - 6.jpg

PTZPattern - DSS Express S - 7.jpg

PTZPattern - DSS Express S - 8.jpg