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DSS/V8/DSS Express/Instruction/Storage

DSS Express V8 - Local Storage


This guide will show how to setup local recording in DSS Express V8.


  • DSS Express V8 Server and Client
  • 1 partition per physical HDD
  • Separate physical drives are needed for each recording function.
  • HDD format recommendation is in NTFS

Step by Step Instructions

1.Login to DSS Express Client and then go to Configuration menu.

DSS Express V8 Home Configuration.jpg

2. Click on Storage.

DSS Express V8 Home Storage.jpg

3. Click on "Server Disk". and then choose your drive and click on the Initialize button.

NOTE: This will format your HDD, all files inside that drive will be removed.

DSS Express V8 Home Storage Init.jpg

4. Once the drive is initialized, click on Settings button to assign disk type. There are 3 types for storage, they are Video, Picture (Snapshot), and ANPR Picture (for LPR camera).

DSS Express V8 Home Storage Settings.jpg

5. Once completed, your storage is now ready.

Please click here on how to schedule a recording to DSS Storage.