DSS Windows/Express/Add Device
[hide | ◄ ► ]How to Add a Dahua Device to DSS Express
This article is to provide instruction of how to add Dahua device to DSS Express
DSS Express software installed on a Windows computer.
Video Instructions
Step by Step Instructions
Login to DSS Express Client, and enter device module.
Manual Add
1. On DSS Express Client homepage, click Device to enter device management menu.
2. Click +Add
3. Under Register mode, you will select IP Address, and Encoder as the Device Category.
4. Fill in the device information you are trying to add. All field with * is mandatory field.
5. After all info filled in, you can click on Play button to preview the video.
6. Once you confirmed the video is working, Click Add.
7. Once device successfully added, it will give online green status.
Note: if the system is not added successfully, you can modify the device information by clicking on Edit button.
Auto Add
1. On DSS Express Client homepage, click Device to enter device management menu.
2. Click on Auto Search
3. Search page will launched and all online device in the network will be populated.
4. From search result page, you can select one or multiple devices to add. Once you select the device you like to add, Click OK.
5. Enter username and password of the device.
6. Once device successfully added, it will give online green status.
Note: if the system is not added successfully, you can modify the device information by clicking on Edit button.