EVS/Format HDD

Format HDD


This guide will show how to format a drive that has been installed in a EVS device


  • EVS device powered on, set up and connected to the network
  • Hard drive(s) installed into EVS
  • Computer with network access
  • IP address of EVS device

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Log into the EVS System Manager by typing the IP in to a web browser

Enter the Username and Password and click Login

EVS - Date and Time - 1.jpg

2. Click Direct Storage

EVS - Format HDD - 1.jpg

3. Click Storage Device

EVS - Format HDD - 2.jpg

4. The window will display Hard Drives that have been installed into the EVS

EVS - Format HDD - 3.jpg

5. Left click the Hard Drive in the list

Then click Format

EVS - Format HDD - 4.jpg

6. A prompt will appear to confirm the Format

EVS - Format HDD - 5.jpg

7. A system message will confirm a successful Format

EVS - Format HDD - 6.jpg