Template:Email Notifications DSS Express


  • DSS Express S
  • Email Account credentials

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. From the Homepage of DSS Express S

Click Config

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2. Click Email

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3. Click to enable the email feature

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4. Use the dropdown box to select the email server type. There are default settings for the most common email services, such as Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail. Select User Custom to enter SMTP information for any other email service

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5. Enter the Port

Enter the EncryptMode (Encryption Type) for the email service

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6. Enter the account information for the Sender, this will be the email address being used to send emails

Enter the username (including @xxx.com) and password for the email account

Enter a Test Recipient in order to use the Email Test function.

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7. Click OK to save

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8. To test the email settings click Email Test. A test email will be sent out with the entered information

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9. After a few moments a prompt will appear confirming if the test email was sent successfully or not

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