Template:Motion Record MobileUI DMSS

How To Setup Motion Record


  • Dahua recorder
  • Dahua camera added to recorder
  • Dahua recorder added to iDMSS / gDMSS

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions


Motion - MobileUI - 1.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 2.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 3.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 4.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 5.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 6.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 7.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 8.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 9.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 10.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 11.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 12.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 13.jpg

Motion - MobileUI - 14.jpg