Template:PTZ Pattern WebUI Old
[hide | ◄ ► ]How to Setup Pattern
- Dahua Network PTZ
Video Instructions
Step by Step Instructions
1. Log into the camera's web interface
Click Setting
2. Under PTZ
Click Function
3. Click Pattern
4. Use the dropdown box to select the Pattern Number
Click Setup
5. Click Start Rec to begin recording the pattern
6. Use the on screen PTZ controls to move the camera as desired to create the pattern
An on screen indicator will appear to show the Pattern Setup status.
The on screen indicator will show the current status of the setup as a percentage.
100% will be the maximum pattern length that can be created
7. Click Stop Rec to end recording the pattern
8. To run the created Pattern
Click Live
9. Under PTZ Function
Use the dropdown box to select Pattern
10. Enter the Pattern number
11. Click Start
The pattern will begin and display the current status
Click Stop to stop the pattern function