Template:Smart Search Heatmap SystemUI NewGUI


  • HDMI connection
  • Camera that supports thermal features

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Select "Main Menu" to choose AI functions

1. Main Menu - Smart Search Heat Map.png

2. Select "AI"

2. AI - Smart Search Heat Map.png

3. Select "Smart Search" => Heat Map

3. Smart Search - Smart Search Heat Map.png

4. If the camera channel doesn't support this feature, an error message will be displayed. Choose a camera channel that has thermal features.

4. Incompatible Camera - Smart Search Heat Map.png

5. Select the correct channel.

5. Select Camera - Smart Search Heat Map.png

6. Select the "Start Time" and "End Time" for the search then press "Search".

6. Select Date and Search - Smart Search Heat Map.png