Thermal/DH-TPC-HT2201/Instructions/Environmental Temperature Mode

How to Adjust Environmental Temperature Mode


This article covers how to change between Self-adaptive and Manual Environmental Temperature Modes on a DH-TPC-HT2201


  • DH-TPC-HT2201

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Open the Main Menu by pressing the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg button

DH-TPC-HT2201 FormatSDCard4.PNG

2. Using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons, highlight "Temp Monitor".
Then press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to enter that menu

DH-TPC-HT2201 TempMonitorMode2.PNG

3. Using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons, highlight "EnvTemp Mode".
Then press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to enter that menu

DH-TPC-HT2201 EnvironmentalTemp2.PNG

4. If you want to use the Handheld Temperature Monitoring Device's built in sensors to measure the ambient/environmental temperature in the room, leave the "Self-adaptive Mode" selected and stop following this guide.
You will see the automatically measured ambient/environmental temperature listed next to "Ambient Temp" at the bottom of this page.
If you want to manually set the ambient/environmental temperature for the room you are in, use the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons to highlight "Manual Mode".
Then press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button

DH-TPC-HT2201 EnvironmentalTemp3.PNG

5. The first part of the temperature should already be highlighted on the left.
Press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to switch to editing mode for that part of the temperature setting.
Using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons, adjust the first part of the temperature setting to the desired value.
Press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to save that value and go to the next part of the temperature setting

DH-TPC-HT2201 EnvironmentalTemp4.PNG

6. Using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons, adjust the second part of the temperature setting to the desired value.
Press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to save that value

DH-TPC-HT2201 EnvironmentalTemp5.PNG

7. The "Yes" option should already be highlighted.
Press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to save the Environmental/Ambient Temperature as the temperature above

DH-TPC-HT2201 EnvironmentalTemp6.PNG

8. You will now see Manual Mode enabled with a dot next to it and the "Ambient Temp" at the bottom will have the the manual temperature you just set

DH-TPC-HT2201 EnvironmentalTemp7.PNG