Thermal/DH-TPC-HT2201/Instructions/Temp Monitoring Mode

How to Change Temp Monitoring Mode


This article covers how to change the Temperature Monitoring Mode on a DH-TPC-HT2201


  • DH-TPC-HT2201

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1 . Open the Main Menu by pressing the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg button

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2. Using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons, highlight "Temp Monitor".
Then press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to enter that menu

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3. Using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons, highlight "Temp Monitor Mode".
Press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to enter that menu

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4. On this page you have 2 options:

  • Max Temp Point
  • Head Detection

To change to Maximum Temperature Point mode, highlight "Max Temp Point" using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons.
Press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to select it. A dot should appear to the right of "Max Temp Point" when selected.
For Head Detection mode, skip to Step 6

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5. Press the back DH-TPC-HT2201 Back Button.jpg button 3 times to get back to the live camera view.
You should now see a crosshair for the single highest temperature in the field of view of the camera, with the temperature listed next to it

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6. To change the Temperature Monitor mode to Head Detection mode, repeat Steps 1 through 3, then on the "Temp Monitor" page highlight "Head Detection" using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons.
Press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to select it. A dot should appear to the right of "Max Temp Point" when selected.

DH-TPC-HT2201 TempMonitorMode6.PNG

7. A message will pop up saying "It would reduce time usage!"
The "Yes" button should already be selected.
Press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to confirm the change to Head Detection mode

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8. Press the back DH-TPC-HT2201 Back Button.jpg button 3 times to get back to the live camera view.
You should now see a blue box in the center of the screen. This is the detection region, where it will detect faces for temperature monitoring.
You will also see a green icon of a person with a checkmark at the top left, to indicate you are in Head Detection mode

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