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==Physical Setup Instructions==
==Physical Setup Instructions==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
[[File:Stobe_and_buzzer_physical_Alarm.JPG|250px]]<span style="font-size:180%;">'''Strobe and Buzzer'''</span>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">{{Template:Alarm_Record_Physical_Alarm_Out}}</div>

Revision as of 21:53, 15 January 2020

Alarm Out


This feature will allow you to specify a range of time for a Dahua device to record when a physical alarm is triggered.

Physical Setup Instructions

Stobe and buzzer physical Alarm.JPGStrobe and Buzzer


Step by Step Instructions

Stobe and buzzer physical Alarm.JPG

1. Here is your Electronic Buzzer, please read the product guide for this sensor to determine which lead is the power positive (ALARM OUT C1) and which lead is the Negative/Ground ⏚ in the event that the alarm is unidirectional and not bidirectional.


2. Also refer to the power requirements and specifications in order to make sure you are using the proper power supply unit for this device. Also Identify your power supply leads PSU+ and PSU- or Negative/Ground ⏚. PSU+ will go to ALARM OUT NO1.


3. Take the Electronic Buzzer and seat the positive lead it into the power block corresponding to ALARM OUT C1


4. Take the PSU and seat the positive lead it into the power block corresponding to ALARM OUT NO1


5. Now seat both the PSU and Electronic Buzzer's Negative/Ground ⏚ leads into any of the corresponding alarm out Negative/Ground ⏚ terminals on the NVR/HCVR/DVR


6. Now double check and make sure you have everything setup according to all of your device's (NVR/HCVR/DVR PSU and Electronic Buzzer) specifications. Also check that the leads are seated properly in the power block and are making full metal to metal contact with the power block.


7. Now Connect the power block to the corresponding ALARM OUT area, and plug in your power supply.


8. For testing purposes use this setup on your NVR/HCVR/DVR to make sure your setup works. Main Menu > Event (under settings) > click on Alarm tab > Enable Alarm > Select Alarm Out 1 > Enable Buzzer > click Apply.


9. Now trigger you magnetic sensor and you should hear the NVR/HCVR/DVR's Buzzer, and also now your Electronic Buzzer should be alarming out.


Now you know how to setup both alarm inputs (magnetic sensor) and powered alarm outputs (Electronic Buzzer)!

Please check all of your systems (NVR/HCVR/DVR PSU and Electronic Buzzer) power requirements and specifications before plugging things in without any understanding of how it works, as this can result in possible electrical fires or even the death of your systems (NVR/HCVR/DVR PSU and Electronic Buzzer).


Icon for type SystemUI Old.pngSystemUI Old


Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

Brief Description: We will be setting up an Alarm Buzzer/Strobe light to the alarm output of our Recorder. It will be triggered by a Camera's Motion Detection Event.

1.Go to Main Menu

Alarm Out-1.png

2. Click on Events

Alarm Out-2.png

3. On "Alarm Output" we select the relay our Buzzer is connected to. In this case Relay 1. Click on Apply and then Ok to save.

Alarm Out-3.png

4. Next select "Video Detection" on the left and check the Enable box.
- Check Alarm Out and select the relay the buzzer is connected to
- Check Record Channel and the channel you want to record to when the event it tripped
- Check Snapshot if you'd like to store snapshots

Click on Apply and Ok to save

Alarm Out-4.png

5. Got back to the main menu and select Storage

Alarm Out-5.png

6. Select Schedule on the left menu and click on the "settings" icon. On the pop up menu check "Alarm" and "All" for all days of the week. Hit OK to go back

Alarm Out-6.png Alarm Out-7.png

7. Click on Apply and Ok to save

Alarm Out-8.png

Icon for type SystemUI New.pngSystemUI New


Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Go to the Main Menu

Alarm OutNSUI-1.png

2. Go to Alarm

Alarm OutNSUI-2.png

3. Select Alarm Output on the left menu and place the relay the buzzer is connected to on "auto". Click on apply to save

Alarm OutNSUI-3.png

4. Select Video Detection on the left menu and Enable the event. Click on the setting tab next to Alarm out

Alarm OutNSUI-4.png

5. Make sure it is on and select the Relay the buzzer is wired to. Click OK

Alarm OutNSUI-5.png

6. Check the Alarm Upload box and hit apply to save the configuration

Alarm OutNSUI-6.png

7. Go back to the Main menu and go to Storage

Alarm OutNSUI-7.png

8. Select Schedule on the left menu and click on the "Settings" icon

Alarm OutNSUI-8.png

9. Select Alarm and "All" for all days of the week. Select OK

Alarm OutNSUI-9.png

10. Click on Apply to finalize the settings

Alarm OutNSUI-10.png

Icon for type WebUI Old.pngWebUI Old


Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Login to the camera's WEBUI

Alarm OutOWUI-1.png

2. Go to Setup>Event>Alarm Output and select the relay the buzzer is wired too. Hit OK to save.

Alarm OutOWUI-2.png

3. Go to Video Detection on the left menu. Enable Motion Detection, Alarm Out (With the corresponding relay), and hit okay to save

Alarm OutOWUI-3.png

Icon for type WebUI New.pngWebUI New


Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Login to the WEBUI

Alarm OutNWUI-1.png

2. Go to Alarm

Alarm OutNWUI-2.png

3. Select Alarm Output on the left menu and enable the relay the buzzer is wired to

Alarm OutNWUI-3.png

4. Select Video detection on the left menu. Enable Motion Detection and go to Alarm Out settings.

Alarm OutNWUI-4.png

5. Check the General Alarm box and select the relay to enable. Click on OK

Alarm OutNWUI-5.png

6. Click on OK to save and finalize the settings

Alarm OutNWUI-6.png

Icon for type SmartPSS.pngSmartPSS


Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Select the Recorder on the left menu and go to "Alarm I/O" under Event

Alarm OutSPSS-1.png

2. Make sure that Alarm Output is Enabled and select the relay the buzzer is wired to. Click on Save

Alarm OutSPSS-2.png

3. Under Event, go to Video Detection

Alarm OutSPSS-3.png

4. Make sure Motion Detection is enabled and Alarm out enabled as well. Select the relay the buzzer is wired to.

Alarm OutSPSS-4.png

DSS Mobile2 Icon.jpgDSS4004-S2 & DSS7016-S2

IDMSS Plus Icon2.jpgMobile:iDMSS Plus & gDMSS Plus