
Revision as of 22:05, 6 April 2020 by Nicky Gunakan (talk | contribs) (Step by Step Instructions)



This guide will show how to download recorded video in DMSS Mobile App.


Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

Method 1: Video Clip

1. From the Home Menu. Tap on DMSS Icon Live Playback.png Playback.

2. Tap on the + icon.

3. Select your camera channel you wish to playback.

DMSS Backup Camselect.PNG

4. Video playback will start playing. To Start downloading the video, tap on Playback body clip n.png Clip button.

DMSS Backup Camselect.PNG

DMSS Backup Clip.PNG

5. Move the timeline bar to set your Start Time, and then tap on Playback body play n.png Play button.

DMSS Backup Startclip.PNG

6. You will see the red line as your Start Time. Now move the timeline bar again to set your End Time, then tap on Stop button.

DMSS Backup Stopclip.PNG

7. Tap on OK.


8. The App is now downloading Video playback clipping to the App local folder.


9. To locate the file, go back to the main menu. Swipe left on the home menu icon to find and tap on DMSS Icon Live File.png File.

10. The downloaded video clips will be available on this menu.

11. If you like to download the video clip to your mobile phone or share through the available App, you can tap on DMSS nav selection.png Pencil icon, and ten select the video.

12. On the bottom of the screen, you will see option to Share DMSS localfile share.png or Save DMSS localfile keep.png your video.

Note: If this is the first time you download or save clip to your mobile phone, it will ask Photo Permission, please make sure you press Ok to allow.

Method 2: Recording mode

1. From the Home Menu. Tap on DMSS Icon Live Playback.png Playback.

2. Tap on the + icon.

3. Select your camera channel you wish to playback.

4. Video playback will start playing. To Start recording the video, tap on Access livepreview body record n.png Record button.

5. The button will now be in blue color which means it is start recording.

6. Press the Access livepreview body record n.png Record button again to stop.

7. The recorded video is now save to the App local folder.

8. To locate the file, go back to the main menu. Swipe left on the home menu icon to find and tap on DMSS Icon Live File.png File.

9. If you like to download the video clip to your mobile phone or share through the available App, you can tap on DMSS nav selection.png Pencil icon, and ten select the video.

10. On the bottom of the screen, you will see option to Share DMSS localfile share.png or Save DMSS localfile keep.png your video.