DSS/V8/DSS Pro/Instruction/User Management

Revision as of 18:49, 5 August 2021 by Marques.Phillips (talk | contribs) (Step by Step Instructions)


This guide will show how to add Users and Roles for DSS Pro.


  • DSS Pro V8 Server and Client installed

Step by Step Instructions

Create Role

1.Login to DSS Pro Client

From Home Click User

DSS Pro - User Management - 1.jpg

2. To add a Role

Select Role

Click Add

DSS Pro - User Management - 2.jpg

3. Enter the role name (if required copy the permissions from another role)

Select the corresponding permissions

Device Permissions - Select which devices are visible to the role Control Permissions - Select which device control options for the role Menu Permissions - Select which menu permissions for the role

Click OK

DSS Pro - User Management - 3.jpg

Create User

1. To add a User

Select User

Click Add

DSS Pro - User Management - 4.jpg

2. Enter the basic user information, such as username and password

DSS Pro - User Management - 5.jpg

DSS Pro - User Management - 6.jpg DSS Pro - User Management - 7.jpg

> Return to DSS Pro instructions