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Template:Product Mobile Solution Recorders

Models Image Channels Specifications Manual Firmware EOL
MX4104-VM MCVR6208.png 4

Build Date: 03-26-2020
MN4208-VM MCVR6208.png 4

Build Date: 03-26-2020
MN4104-VM MCVR6208.png 4

Build Date: 03-26-2020
MN4104-VR MCVR6208.png 4

Build Date: 04-07-2020
DHI-MCVR5104-GFW MCVR5104 GFW.png 4 Yes
DHI-MCVR6208-G MCVR6208.png 8 Yes
DHI-NVR0404MF-GFW M12 NVR0404MF.jpg 4 Yes
DHI-NVR0404MF-GFW RJ45 NVR0404MF.jpg 4 Yes
DHI-NVR0404MF-G M12 NVR0404MF.jpg 4 Yes
DHI-NVR0804MF-GFW M12 NVR0804MF.jpg 8 Yes
DHI-NVR0804MF-GFW RJ45 NVR0804MF.jpg 8 Yes
DHI-NVR0804MF-G M12 NVR0804MF.jpg 8 Yes