Thermal/DH-TPC-HT2201/Instructions/Storage Info

How to Check Storage Info


This article covers how to check the storage information for an SD Card installed in a DH-TPC-HT2201


  • DH-TPC-HT2201
  • A micro SD Card installed and formatted

Micro SD Card MUST be Micro SD HC. Micro SD XC is not compatible.

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1 . Check the monitor on the Handheld Thermal Temperature Monitoring Device to see that a Micro SD Card is installed.
If one is installed, you will see an SD Card icon at the top right.
If there is no SD Card icon, follow the Format SD Card Guide HERE first

DH-TPC-HT2201 FormatSDCard3.PNG

2. Open the Main Menu by pressing the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg button

DH-TPC-HT2201 FormatSDCard4.PNG

3. Using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons, highlight "System Info".
Then press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to enter that menu

DH-TPC-HT2201 FormatSDCard5.PNG

4. Using the Up DH-TPC-HT2201 Up Button.jpg and Down DH-TPC-HT2201 Down Button.jpg buttons, highlight "Storage Info".
Press the power DH-TPC-HT2201 Power Button.jpg button to enter that menu

DH-TPC-HT2201 FormatSDCard6.PNG

5. You will see the Total Capacity and Available Space for the installed Micro SD Card.
You will also see the number of pictures and videos saved on the Micro SD Card that were captured by the Thermal Device

DH-TPC-HT2201 StorageInfo4.PNG