How to Create a Permission Group on SmartPSS AC


This article will go over how to create a permission group to SmartPSS-AC.
Creating a Permission Group will allow you to select one or several doors then be able to link users and time templates for those doors.

You can create multiple Permission Groups to fulfill specific entry permissions.


This article follows a series of instructions. If you have not followed our previous instruction please do so before continuing.

Step by Step Instructions

1. Open SmartPSS-AC and go to Personnel Manager

How to Create a Permission Group on SmartPSS-AC-1.png

2. Click on the Permission Configuration tab on the left menus

How to Create a Permission Group on SmartPSS-AC-2.png

3. To start creating a Permission Group click on the + icon

How to Create a Permission Group on SmartPSS-AC-3.png

4. Follow these next following step

1. Give the door group a name and add a decryption or remark
2. Select the time template you created or select any of the pre-configured ones. In this tutorial we will be selecting the one we created "Front Door Schedule"
3. Select the Doors that will follow the time template
4. Click on OK to save it.

How to Create a Permission Group on SmartPSS-AC-4.png

5. We now need to add users to the Permission Group to give them authorization to the linked Doors. Click on the "User" icon to start.

How to Create a Permission Group on SmartPSS-AC-5.png

6. Select the users you want to give permission to the doors. Then click on OK to save the changes.

How to Create a Permission Group on SmartPSS-AC-6.png

7. The Door group has now been created and you can verify to make sure the users and doors were saved correctly by checking on the permission group.

How to Create a Permission Group on SmartPSS-AC-7.png